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 Updated 6/26/2024


Adult Consultants – Kim Hill and Jerry Hill

Junior Consultant – Hunter & Mason Ross


Pre-fair tag-in              All market hogs will be tagged by exhibitors at home.  Registration must be complete prior to the second Saturday in May.

Arrival time:                6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday before the fair begins.

Weigh-In:                     6 p.m. and 10 p.m. Saturday before the fair begins.

Dismissal time:           If not participating in County Born & Raised or the sale pigs can leave up to one hour after the show ends Monday evening.  There will be another opportunity for one hour Thursday after the goat show ends.

                                    If not sold at Livestock Sale, dismissal is 12 a.m. Sunday.

Show times:                8 a.m. Monday, Showmanship

                                    6 p.m. Monday, Market Show

                                    8 a.m. Thursday, County Born & Raised Show

                                    Sponsored by Clermont County Pork Producers

                                    All swine shows are in the Holman Livestock Complex


General Swine Rules

  1. Market Hog Sale Order: Check sale rules at the end of this junior fair section.

  2. Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion barrows and gilts must sell at the fair’s auction.

  3. All exhibitors are responsible for making sure their hogs are tagged and registered by the deadline provide by Junior Fair Board.

  4. On odd years barrows will show first and on even years gilts will show first.

  5. Premise IDs are required for the location that hogs entering the fairgrounds are kept.


Section 1: Market Barrows

  1. See General Rules for Junior Livestock Exhibitors for more information.

  2. All market barrows must be in the exhibitor’s possession and care by the second Saturday in May of the current year.

  3. By the second Saturday in May, all market animals must be castrated. See the Castration and Dehorning section under General Livestock Rules for complete information.

  4. If hogs are not tagged and registered by the second Saturday in May, they will not be permitted to show at the fair.

  5. Three (3) total hogs (barrows or gilts) may be tagged per exhibitor, but only two may be brought to the fair per exhibitor.

  6. Hogs must weigh a minimum of 220 pounds and no more than 290 pounds. Under- and over-weight hogs may be used in the showmanship show. There will be under and over weight market classes, which will take place at the beginning of the market show. Those hogs will not be eligible for the gilt or barrow grand champion or reserve champion drives. Under and over weight hogs may be removed from the fairgrounds Saturday prior to fair following the weigh-ins if arrangements are made with an adult hog consultant. Under and over-weight hogs are not eligible to sell in the livestock sale.

  7. No oil-based dressing may be used on market hogs as part of the grooming process. This includes the use of show foam. Hogs may be clipped; however, the hair must be at least one-half-inch long in order to be processed at the packers. Refer to ODA requirements.

  8. A Sale Committee member will observe a third-party person measure each hog’s hair length Sunday morning before the market show. If a hog’s hair length is determined to be less than one-half-inch long, that hog can show in the market show Tuesday, but can only win its weight class. The second-place hog in that class would represent that weight class in the division drive. The hog can be used in the showmanship show Thursday. That animal will also NOT be permitted to go through the sale. There will be no clipping or shaving allowed after Sunday at 8 a.m.

  9. Hog classes will be divided into divisions. The class winners in each division will show for division champion. The second-place market gilt/barrow from the division champion’s weight class will be brought in the ring to compete for reserve division champion. If the second-place hog from the division winner’s class is chosen as reserve champion, the third-place hog from that class will be brought in the ring to compete for the third place in the top five of the division. Only the top three hogs in each class are eligible to participate in the division champion classes.

  10. Division Champions will show for Grand Champion Market Barrow. As necessary, other barrows will be pulled from divisions to show for the top five. Only the top three hogs in each division are eligible to participate in the champion classes.

Section 2: Market Gilts

  1. See General Rules for Junior Livestock Exhibitors for more information.

  2. All market gilts must be in the exhibitor’s possession and care by the second Saturday in May of the current year.

  3. If hogs are not tagged and registered by the second Saturday in May, they will not be permitted to show at the fair.

  4. Three (3) total hogs (barrows or gilts) may be tagged, but only two may be brought to the fair.

  5. Hogs must weigh a minimum of 220 pounds and no more than 290 pounds. Under- and over-weight hogs may be used in the showmanship show. There will be under- and over-weight market classes, which will take place at the beginning of the market show. Those hogs will not be eligible for the gilt or barrow grand champion or reserve champion drives. Under- and over-weight hogs may be removed from the fairgrounds Sunday following the weigh-ins if arrangements are made with an adult hog consultant. Under- and over-weight hogs are not eligible to sell in the livestock sale.

  6. No oil-based dressing may be used on market hogs as part of the grooming process. This includes the use of show foam. Hogs may be clipped; however, the hair must be at least one-half-inch long in order to be processed at the packers. Refer to ODA requirements.

  7. A Sale Committee member will observe a third-party person measure each hog’s hair length Sunday morning before the market show. If a hog’s hair length is determined to be less than one-half-inch long, that hog can show in the market show Tuesday, but can only win its weight class. The second-place hog in that class would represent that weight class in the division drive. The hog can be used in the showmanship show Thursday. That animal will also NOT be permitted to go through the sale. There will be no clipping or shaving allowed after Sunday at 8 a.m.

  8. Hog classes will be divided into divisions. The class winners in each division will show for division champion. The second-place market gilt/barrow from the division champion’s weight class will be brought in the ring to compete for reserve division champion. If the second-place hog from the division winner’s class is chosen as reserve champion, the third-place hog from that class will be brought in the ring to compete for the third place in the top five of the division. Only the top three hogs in each class are eligible to participate in the division classes.

  9. Division Champions will show for Grand Champion Market Gilt. As necessary, other gilts will be pulled from divisions to show for the top five. Only the top three hogs in each division are eligible to participate in the division champion classes.

Section 3: Champions

  1. The Grand Champion Barrow and the Grand Champion Gilt will compete for an Overall Champion Market Hog.

  2. The four champions (Grand Barrow, Reserve Barrow, Grand Gilt and Reserve Gilt) are all terminal and must sell in the auction.

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